SaaS Spotlight: Skillfully Navigating the World of Cloud Software

Explore the world of cloud software in "SaaS Spotlight: Navigating Cloud Solutions." Dive into curated articles on SaaS trends, innovations, and best practices, guiding businesses through the ever-evolving landscape. Whether you're a business owner, IT professional, or SaaS enthusiast, join us on this journey within our comprehensive blog.

3 Types of Service Level Agreements

3 Types of Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a business and its customer outlining the details that the two parties have agreed to in a transaction. The types of SLAs that an organization can use depends on many significant aspects. While some are targeted at individual customer groups, others discuss issues relevant to entire companies. This is because the needs of one user differ from those of another. Below is a list of the types of SLAs used by businesses today, and how each one is utilized for specific situations:

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6 Important Considerations for Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Cloud Service Level Agreements

When it comes to cloud computing, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) act as both the structure and warranty of the terms of the relationship between the consumer and provider. SLAs that are tailored toward services in the cloud often include information that differs from other agreements of the same stature.

The following are six important considerations to be aware of for service level agreements customized for the cloud:

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Giva Customers Are Talking! Athens Regional Health System Case Study

Athens Regional Health System is one of northeast Georgia's largest healthcare systems. ARHS is made up of an acute care hospital with 350-plus beds, four urgent care centers, a network of quality physicians and specialists, and a home health agency. ARHS was named the Large Hospital of the Year for the State of Georgia by the Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals. Today, ARHS is recognized as one of the top 100 hospitals in the nation preferred by women.

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6 Ways To Tell If a 'Green' Product Is REALLY Eco-Friendly

Go Green

In today's world, many consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the state of the environment. They worry about the depletion of natural resources, the overflowing of landfills, and the pollution of airways and water sources. To address this concern, more corporations are introducing 'green' or eco-friendly products into the market. The sad truth, however, is that there is a lack of regulation when it comes to claims companies can make regarding how 'green' their products are. More often than not, a product is not as eco-friendly as a company declares it to be.

So how can one tell if a product really is 'green'? Here are a few red flags to watch out for, and a few tips for being a smarter, greener consumer.

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The Giva Challenge: Giva Customers are Talking! Miles & Stockbridge

Working around-the-clock to meet a client's needs is what a great attorney does. If that clock is slowed down in any way it costs extra money. Miles & Stockbridge P.C. has enjoyed a rich history of well-planned growth, enduring client relationships and loyal community leadership for over 80 years. They support approximately 500 employees in 8 offices across the east coast of the USA. "Since we are providing IT technical support to attorneys that work around-the-clock, we needed a solution that could be accessible anywhere and anytime by our staff. Our attorneys' time is our 'stock in trade', so we must keep the firm up and running and highly productive on a large number of applications and various hardware platforms in order to generate revenue." (Ken Adams, Chief Information Officer) They were spending a lot of time and money on managing and maintaining servers and software to host their previous application.

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