A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing Help Desk Software

A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing Help Desk Software

Documenting feature needs and requirements is the most important step

Documenting feature needs and requirements is the most important step in the process of purchasing any new software or cloud service, including help desk or customer service software. It is also the most difficult step, and one that requires input from multiple team members. Here's how to get started.
  • Ask For Input
    It's important to solicit feedback on requirements from everyone who will be using the new system. Using this approach, all stakeholders will be part of the purchasing process and feel ownership for the new system, making them much more inclined to fully embrace the new cloud help desk software.
    It is also important to consider your security requirements of your help desk software, if you want to select a cloud vendor. Do you need HIPAA compliance if you are a hospital or healthcare organization? You will need this certification if you are handing patient/private health information or PHI. Also, do you need a Business Associates Agreement (BAA) from the vendor? Many state laws require this.
  • Prioritize Your List of Help Desk Software Requirements
    You may not be able to find a vendor to meet all your feature requirements at a price that your company can afford. A prioritized list of help desk software feature requirements will help you better understand tradeoffs and compromises your stakeholders are willing to make.
  • State Your Case
    After completing your prioritized help desk software/cloud services feature list, share it with senior leaders, and make sure they understand the results of this exercise.
  • Create a Rating System
    The requirements gathering process is very time-consuming. It is often very difficult to start with a blank piece of paper. For our own clients, Giva hired some industry consultants to build a Needs Assessment Tool to help our prospects with the requirements gathering process.

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