Interview Questions to Ask & Answers for Any Job Candidate

Interview Questions and Answers for Any Job Candidate

Sample Interview Questions

Various categories of job applicant questions to ask in an interview
Example questions and possible answers for interviews
Not all questions will be applicable to every situation; choose questions that fit the position. When interviewing multiple candidates for a position, it is important to use the same criteria for evaluating each candidate so as to avoid legal problems.
The key is to be consistent and fair with all candidates (i.e., show no favoritism or discrimination). Use an interviewing guideline of core criteria/qualifications that is applicable to all candidates for the position.
Most of these questions do not have a "right" or "wrong" answer under all circumstances! After you have selected the questions that are appropriate to use, give some thought to the answer(s) that make sense given your organization, culture and the priorities of the position. The applicant's reasoning abilities and the thought process that leads to the answer is often as important as the answer itself.


  1. Telephone Pre-Screen Interview Questions
  2. Behavioral Interview Questions
  3. Interpersonal Interview Questions
  4. Creative Thinking Interview Questions
  5. General Interview Questions
  6. Managerial Interview Questions
  7. Executive Interview Questions
  8. Functional Interview Questions
    • Accounting
    • Customer Service
    • Engineering
    • Healthcare
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Hospitality
    • Consultants
    • Marketing
  9. Sales Interview Questions
  10. Example Questions and Possible Answers for Interviews
  11. Sample Diversity Interview Questions
  12. Productivity/Time Management Questions
  13. Quality Interview Questions
  14. Learning Interview Questions
  15. Teamwork Interview Questions
  16. Managing Change Interview Questions
  17. Problem/Analysis Solving Interview Questions


  1. Telephone Pre-Screen Interview Questions
    • Is the salary range we have set for this position within your acceptable range?
    • Why are you currently searching for a new position?
    • What are the top three duties in the job you now have or in your most recent job?
    • What are some typical decisions that you make and how do you make them?
    • Give me some examples.
    • What do you think you would do for this organization that someone else wouldn't?
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    • Describe for me your ideal company.
  2. Behavioral Interview Questions
    • Describe what you would say if asked to talk about yourself in a group of 15 people.
    • If someone told you that you had made an error, describe how you would react and what you would say in your defense.
    • If someone asked you for assistance with a matter that is outside the parameters of your job description, what would you do?
    • You are a committee member and disagree with a point or decision. How will you respond?
    • Describe what you would classify as a crisis.
    • You are angry about an unfair decision. How do you react?
    • Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and rapidly. How would you handle it?
    • How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
    • Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team. What was your part in making the team effective?
    • Give me an example of a time when you had to deal with a difficult co-worker. How did you handle the situation?
    • How do you think your co-workers would respond if you were absent from work?
    • Can you tell me about a time during your previous employment when you suggested a better way to perform a process?
    • Tell me about a personal or career goal that you have accomplished and why that was important to you.
    • Give an example of a time when you were trying to meet a deadline, you were interrupted, and did not make the deadline. How did you respond?
    • What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your work?
    • What do you do when you know you are right and your boss disagrees with you? Give me an example of when this has happened in your career.
    • Tell me about a situation you wish that you had handled differently based on the outcome. What was the situation? What would you change (or will you change) when faced with a similar situation?
    • Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is confidential and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
    • Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities. What was the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What was the outcome?
    • It's 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. Your supervisor gives you an assignment that needs to be finished by 8:00 Monday morning. You have already made plans to be away the entire weekend. What would you do?
    • If you observed a co-worker who made inappropriate sexual or racial remarks to another employee, and it was obvious to you that the situation was creating an uncomfortable environment, what would you do?
  3. Interpersonal Interview Questions
    • What are your strengths?
    • What would your last boss say about you?
    • Describe how you like to be managed, and the best relationship you've had with a previous boss.
    • If I asked your previous/current co-workers about you what would they say?
    • Describe what you see as your strengths related to this job/position. Describe what you see as your weaknesses related to this job/position.
    • Explain the phrase "work ethic" and describe yours.
    • What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? For example, assume you are in a situation where you have to deal with a person very different from yourself and you are finding it difficult. What would you do?
    • What methods do you use to make decisions? When do you find it most difficult to make a decision?
    • Describe a difficult time you have had dealing with an employee, customer, or co-worker. Why was it difficult? How did you handle it? What was the outcome?
    • How would your co-workers describe your work style/habits?
    • What do you do when others resist or reject your ideas or actions?
    • What do you think are the best and worst parts of working in a team environment? How do you handle it?
    • Under what kinds of conditions do you learn best?
    • How would your past employers describe your response to hectic or stressful situations?
    • How would your co-workers describe your work style or work habits?
    • If I asked several of your co-workers about your greatest strength as a team member, what would they tell me?
    • To you, which is more desirable: A business that is run in an efficient business-like manner OR a business that is run in a personal and friendly way?
  4. Creative Thinking Interview Questions
    • What's the best book you've read in the last year? Please take a minute and tell us what you liked about it.
    • What was the most creative thing you did in your last job?
    • What is your interpretation of "success?"
    • Describe an ideal work environment or "the perfect job."
    • In what way(s) do you express your personality in the workplace?
  5. General Interview Questions
    • Could you share with us a recent accomplishment of which you are most proud?
    • What would you have liked to do more of in your last position? What held you back?
    • Tell us a bit about your work background, and then give us a description of how you think it relates to our current opening.
    • What are your qualifications in your area of expertise, i.e., what skills do you have that make you the best candidate for this position? Include any special training you have had (on-the-job, college, continuing education, seminars, reading, etc.) and related work experience.
    • Why have you applied for this position?
    • What skill set do you think you would bring to this position?
    • Tell me about your present or last job. Why did you choose it? Why did you/do you want to leave?
    • What was your primary contribution/achievement? Biggest challenge?
    • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
    • In what areas would you like to develop further? What are your plans to do that?
    • What are some positive aspects of your last employment/employer? What are some negative aspects?
    • What do you think about SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)?
    • What are your career path interests?
    • What do you know about our company?
    • Why should we hire YOU?
    • If the position required it, would you be willing to travel?
    • If the position required it, would you be willing to relocate?
    • If you were offered this position, when would you be available to start?
    • After learning about this opportunity, what made you take the next step and apply for the job?
    • If you are the successful applicant, how would you expect to be different after a year in this position?
    • Now that you have learned about our company and the position you are applying for, what hesitation or reluctance would you have in accepting this job if we offer it to you?
    • Tell me anything else you would like us to know about you that will aid us in making our decision.
    • What questions would you like to ask me?
  6. Managerial Interview Questions
    • Define professional behavior and/or conduct appropriate in the workplace.
    • Why do you think a team of people - sports team, work team, may not work well together?
    • Tell us about your management style - people, teamwork, direction?
    • Describe an ideal supervisor.
    • What is your own philosophy of management?
    • How have you participated in planning processes?
    • Is it more important to be a detail oriented person, or a big picture person? Explain.
    • What was the most challenging personnel issue you've had to deal with and how did you handle it?
    • Describe for me a time when you have come across questionable business practices; how did you handle the situation?
    • A new policy is to be implemented organization-wide. You do not agree with this new policy. How do you discuss this policy with your staff?
    • Describe for me a decision you made which would normally have been made by your supervisor? What was the outcome?
    • Discuss and differentiate between remediation, corrective action, and discipline.
    • Explain, step by step, how you have handled an employee who had performance problems.
    • Why should employees seek to improve their knowledge and skill base?
    • How would you motivate them to do so?
    • What coaching or mentoring experience have you had? With groups or one-on-one? How did you determine the appropriate way to coach/mentor and what were the results?
    • Management requires both good writing and verbal skills for good communication. When it comes to giving information to employees that can be done either way, do you prefer to write a memo OR talk to the employee?
    • When making a decision to fire an employee, do you find it easy because of the company's needs OR difficult because of the employee's needs?
    • Managing requires motivating employees as well as accomplishing tasks. Do you find it more natural to point out what's wrong so employees can accomplish tasks competently OR to praise employees for their work and then point out what may need correcting?
    • Managers need good information and managers need to make good decisions. Do you tend to gather information up to a deadline in order to make a better-informed decision OR gather just enough information to make a good decision quickly?
    • What is the largest number of employees you have supervised and what were their job functions?
    • Are you best at dealing with details and day-to-day operations OR with concepts, envisioning and future planning? Give me an example.
  7. Executive Interview Questions
    • Would you please describe your interest in becoming (title of position).
    • Tell me about your current position or most recent position and how you helped the organization accomplish its goals and mission.
    • What did you do for that company that made a difference and for which you believe you will be remembered?
    • Tell me about your experience in leading and managing an organization similar to ours.
    • Do you have a personal philosophy of management?
    • Tell me about your fiscal management experience: budgeting, reporting, cutting costs, building and maintaining reserves.
    • Have you ever had to champion an unpopular change? How did you handle it?
    • Have you ever faced a significant ethical problem at work? How did you handle it?
    • Tell me about your experience working with a board of directors. What approach and philosophy did you follow in working with boards?
    • What do you think is the role of the President/CEO in strategic planning for the organization?
    • Give me some example of how and when you were the spokesperson for your current or most recent company.
    • As our President/CEO, how would you proceed if the board of directors adopted a policy or program that you felt was inconsistent with the goals and mission of our company?
    • Tell me about your experiences with staff development. How do you think your current or most recent staff would describe you?
    • How do you stay informed of current ideas on management and the (industry field for the company/organization)?
    • Based upon what you have read and heard, what ideas do you have about continuing and increasing the success of this company?
    • Are there any programs, policies, or actions of (name of company/organization) that you have heard of with which you have concerns or differences?
    • If you are hired for this position and are still with (name of company/organization) five years from now, how do you think the organization will be different?
  8. Functional Interview Questions
    The following questions are function-specific.
    • Describe some recent projects you were involved in to improve Accounting's efficiency/effectiveness. What did you do?
    • Describe for me a time when you have come across questionable accounting practices. How did you handle the situation?
    • Have you completed month end/year end closing? How much experience do you have with this?
    • Describe your most challenging encounter with month end/year end closing. How did you resolve the problem?
    • Describe your PL (profit/loss) experience.
    • What type of inventory audits have you been involved in? Describe challenges you've faced.
    • Tell me about your knowledge of commissions accounting.
    • What experience have you had with tax accounting?
    Customer Service Interview Questions
    • What do you like about being in Customer Service? What do you find is the most difficult part of being in Customer Service?
    • Tell me about a time when you went out of your way to give great service to a customer.
    • Describe a process or system that you improved so customers would be better served.
    • Tell me about a time when you asked for feedback on your customer service skills from your manager or co-worker and then used that response to improve your work.
    • Tell me about a time when you knew that your customer might not get what he or she needed on time. How did you handle this?
    • Tell me about a time when you had to say "No" to a customer because it was against company policy.
    • Tell me about a time when you had trouble working with a difficult or demanding customer. How did you handle this?
    • Tell me about a situation in which you "lost it" or did not do your best with a customer. What did you do about this?
    Engineering Interview Questions
    • Tell me about a long-term engineering project that you were responsible for that required you to communicate with numerous people and departments.
    • What do you enjoy most about the engineering field?
    • Tell me about a time when you dealt with an engineering problem that tested your knowledge.
    • How has your engineering experience required you to be proficient in the analysis of technical reports?
    • If we offer you this position, what one technical contribution would you expect to make during the first three months on the job?
    • Describe the most important written technical report that you had to complete.
    • The last time that you experienced a technical problem during your workday; whom did you go for help? Why choose this person?
    • Tell me about a time when you used your engineering knowledge to solve a problem that appeared to be unsolvable.
    • Tell me about your normal experiences during a typical day in your current position.
    • Explain how you can keep from getting bored when dealing with routine engineering work.
    • Describe a time when you were instrumental in creating a good relationship with another department within your company.
    • We often work in teams. Tell me about a time when an engineering team project failed.
    • Think of a specific engineering project that you've completed. Were you successful in achieving the desired results?
    • What was the most interesting/challenging technical proposal you've ever written?
    • Give me an example of a time when you needed to help engineers learn a new skill set. What did you do?
    • What do you believe is your most honed engineering skill?
    • If you were given the responsibility to start an engineering department from scratch, what are the basics that you would need to consider?
    • Describe a time when you needed to use the principles of logic to solve an engineering problem.
    • Tell me about your most challenging engineering project.
    • What aspects of engineering keep you from pursuing another profession?
    • Describe a time when you had to make a very important and difficult decision that affected everyone in the engineering department.
    • How do you keep your team from feeling overwhelmed when various projects in process are equally important?
    • Give an example of when you used analytical techniques to design solutions to solve engineering problems.
    • Give an example of a time when you had to quickly change project priorities.
    • How did you do it?
    • We are seeking engineers who focus on detail. What means do you use to keep from making mistakes?
    • What type of person do you believe makes a good engineer? What type of personality traits must this person have?
    • What means do you use to communicate step-by-step engineering processes when making a critical decision that involves other engineers?
    • In your current engineering job, what is your usual schedule? How many hours do you work and when do you work them?
    • Describe the workload at your current position. How do you feel about it? What would you change about it, if you could?
    • Describe a time when you needed to discipline an engineer who reported directly to you.
    Healthcare Interview Questions
    • How would you react if the following should occur: a person suddenly collapses on the floor. After a few minutes, a large crowd gathers around with loud voices and making demands.
    • If you had to read illegible handwriting, what would you do?
    • You have found patient belongings in the main hospital corridor. Describe how you would take care of the situation.
    • What would you say or do if upon entering a patient's room the patient screamed, "Get out of my room"?
    • What would you do if a patient had used his/her call light, but upon entering the room, the curtain was drawn around the bed?
    • What would you do if you encountered a patient's family member alone and crying in the hallway?
    • How would you react if upon entering a patient's room, you were
    • told that the family was upset over the care the patient was receiving?
    • What do you think makes a "good" hospital or why would a hospital be described as "one of the best" by a community?
    • How will your work performance enhance (name of company/organization) in the healthcare arena as it is today?
    Human Resources/General Interview Questions
    • Tell me why you chose Human Resource Management as your profession.
    • Do you have a personal philosophy about HR management?
    • What do you like most about HR? What do you like least, and what do you find the most challenging?
    • During your HR career, which positions have you reported to and which reporting structure do you prefer?
    • How do you stay current with changes in employment laws, practizes and other HR issues?
    • An employee tells you about a sexual harassment allegation but then tells you they don't want to do anything about it; they just thought you should know. How do you respond?
    • Describe the most difficult employee relations situation you have had to handle, how it was resolved or not, and why.
    • What have you done to help your human resources department to become a strategic partner?
    • As HR professionals, we often deal with legal and ethical situations. Tell me about an ethical situation you have encountered and what part you took in resolving it. Tell me about any illegal discrimination charges you have handled and how these were resolved.
    • What experience do you have in multi-state HR management?
    • Tell me about your policy development experiences. What employment policies have you developed or revised? What is your experience in compiling or revising an Employee Handbook?
    • Describe your knowledge of/involvement with progressive discipline.
    • Describe your knowledge of/involvement with Performance Evaluation processes.
    • Tell me about programs that you have implemented.
    • Tell me about your experience in training and developing your employees or managers.
    • Tell me about training and development programs you have developed.
    • Have you ever worked in a Union Environment? What were the positives/negatives?
    • Tell me about a time when a manager wanted you to terminate an employee in contrast to your company's termination policy. How was it resolved?
    • Describe to me in a few sentences the purpose of the following basic Federal regulations: (select one or more, as applicable)
      • Title VII/Civil Rights Act
      • FLSA
      • WC
      • FMLA
      • ADA
    Human Resources/Recruiting Interview Questions
    • How much recruiting experience do you have? What type of positions have you recruited for in the past?
    • Discuss why you feel that Human Resources/Recruiting is the right profession for you.
    • List your experience with and/or knowledge of Affirmative Action Planning and Applicant Flow reporting.
    • What recruiting tool do you consider to be most valuable to you? Explain.
    • What do you consider to be your greatest talent as it relates to recruiting?
    • What do you consider to be the most challenging aspect of corporate recruiting?
    • Can you work extended hours when needed?
    • What is the most unique or non-traditional recruiting approach you have tried? Was it successful? Why or why not?
    • Are you familiar with full cycle recruiting?
    • How do you develop relationships with line managers?
    • Have you ever developed a staffing plan?
    • Tell me about your experience with International Recruiting.
    • What type of volume are you used to handling? What is your typical open requisition load?
    • Job posting experience in compliance with OFCCP regulations?
    • Tell me about your internal posting process.
    • Tell me about your previous staffing efforts to fulfill diversity initiatives. How did you accomplish this?
    • Are you familiar with e-recruiting? Tell me about your success utilizing this method.
    Human Resources/Compensation/Benefits Interview Questions
    • Provide me with an overview of your employee benefit enrollment process. What duties are you responsible for within this process?
    • How do you communicate benefit updates to employees?
    • How many employees are you processing benefits for?
    • Are you responsible for benefit implementation?
    • Are your benefit programs outsourced to a third-party administrator or self administrated?
    • What is your Benefit and Compensation Service Delivery Model?
    • Tell me about a time when you had to present a benefit program to a group of employees to win their buy-in. What was the outcome?
    • What is your organization's compensation philosophy?
    • Describe your organization's salary administration process. In what ways is it effective? Ineffective?
    • What is your knowledge of/experience with variable compensation?
    • Tell me what you know about the following programs:
      • Cafeteria Plans
      • FSA's
    • Tell me about the most complex FMLA situation you handled.
    • Tell me about any HR functions you have managed the outsourcing of (benefits, payroll, retirement plan administration, EAP's, FSA's).
    Information Technology Interview Questions
    • In your experience, what are the essential elements of an IT disaster recovery plan?
    • Describe the types of network security features you have implemented or maintained in the past.
    • When you have several users experiencing computer problems, how do you determine which users get help first?
    • Describe your decision-making process when selecting which IT certifications to pursue.
    • Of your certifications, which one(s) have you found most helpful when you encounter technical problems on the job?
    • In your opinion, how does managing a staff of technical workers differ from managing other kinds of workers?
    • What brands of hardware do you feel most comfortable dealing with?
    • What software have you had the most success supporting?
    • What characteristics do you feel are necessary for success as a technical support worker?
    • Describe a past situation in which you provided excellent customer service to a user.
    Hospitality Interview Questions
    • How would you define guest satisfaction?
    • Describe a time when someone failed to provide satisfactory service to you. How could that person improve his or her performance in that particular situation?
    • Give an example of one thing that is important in building repeat-customer business.
    • What types of behaviors do you find most annoying or frustrating in a guest? How do you handle those behaviors?
    • What specific process do you go through when a guest is dissatisfied?
    • Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult guest-relations problem.
    • Tell me about a time when you needed to work as part of a team to satisfy a guest.
    • "Yes" is the word guests like to hear. However, if you had to say "no," how would you do it?
    • How well do you communicate with others? What communication techniques do you use?
    • How do you think our guests would describe you and your work?
    Consultant Interview Questionnaire
    • How many active organizations do you currently represent?
    • What sizes of organizations have you worked in?
    • What industries?
    • Any direct competitors?
    • Do you have any exclusive or nonpoaching agreements with any of these organizations?
    • Do you have an existing retainer with any of these?
    • What is the average length of your assignments during the last year?
    • Depict the scope of work for a typical assignment.
    • What database or project tools are you familiar with, i.e., Access, Project?
    • What other tools are needed for the level of tasking requested?
    • What is your expectation of on- versus off-site work?
    • If additional assets are required to meet the SOW, how would these be recruited and deployed?
    • Do you have a model agreement which you prefer to use and is it modularized for adding SOWs or tasking within an SOW?
    • Do any of your assignments feature early completion incentives?
    • What is your preferred compensation structure for tasking?
    Marketing Interview Questions
    • Why did you choose a career in marketing? Alternatively, what interests you in marketing?
    • What qualities and skills do you think a successful marketing professional should have?
    • What non-marketing skills should a successful marketing professional have?
    • Tell me what type of relationship ought to exist between marketing and sales?
    • How about the relationship between marketing and sales and service?
    • Tell me about your experience in marketing research.
    • Which of the qualities and skills you named for a successful marketing professional do you have?
    • Tell me about a marketing nightmare you were involved in. If you have had none, describe what you would consider a marketing nightmare.
    • What kind of marketing do you have experience in and which do you prefer using? Direct mail, telephone, television, radio, web-based, combination of any of these?
    • Tell me about two marketing accomplishments that were very successful or that you are the most proud of.
    • What college courses or experience have prepared you for the marketing position you are applying for with us?
    • What kind of training have you had in web-based marketing?
    • What does a good marketer know how to do.
    • Are there any types of marketing that you consider unethical?
    • Tell me about a marketing position you have held where part of your pay was based on your own marketing results.
    • What three things are most important to you in a marketing position?
    • Several of the clients this position services use direct mail marketing. Suppose that you just received a supply of the final conference brochures that you developed, proofed and sent to the printers for one of these clients. The deadline for mailing the10,000 brochures is tomorrow. You notice that there is an error in the date of one of the conference sessions. What would you do?
    • Having read about our company and met with several marketing heads here, what ideas do you have on how we can improve our marketing efforts?
  9. Sales Interview Questions
    • In what sales venues have you been involved?
    • Describe the sales activities in which you were engaged in your last job.
    • What were your responsibilities from the commencement to the end of the sales cycle?
    • How would you rate yourself as a closer?
    • As a sales rep, what support, either administrative or sales assistance, did you receive?
    • Have you ever been engaged in team sales?
    • How would you describe your abilities as a business developer? As a business maintainer?
    • How were your incentives structured in your last job?
    • Did you have assigned quotas or targets?
    • What, historically, has been your quota/target penetration ratio?
    • How much of your time was devoted to sales vs. other assigned duties?
    • What was the best sales training program you have participated in?
    • Describe the ideal sales job from your perspective.
    • How would your prior sales managers describe your sales capabilities? For business development? For enhancing existing customer business?
    • Describe the best sales incentive plan you have worked under.
    • Describe the ideal sales support you would need to be most effective as a sales rep..
    • What was the worst sales role you have been engaged in?
    • What does customer mean to you?
    • What does servicing the sale mean to you?
  10. Example Questions and Possible Answers for Interviews
    Example Questions to ask any employee
    Q: If you saw a coworker doing something dishonest, what would you do?
    A: According to the employee handbook, contract, or past practice, inform the most relevant authority(ies) about specific behaviors witnessed.
    • Follow handbook, contract, or past practice concerning handling the potential dishonest behavior.
    • Don't immediately assume that the coworker is guilty of dishonest behavior. Use appropriate compliance hotlines if available.
    • Contact human resources for compliance help.
    • Don't spread the potential dishonest activity news to employees or others who do not have responsibility over the matter.
    Q: What would you do if someone in management asked you to do something unethical?
    A: Determine how the candidate defines ethics.
    • Determine how the candidate views their role in cases of ethics.
    • Determine how the candidate views power.
    Q: Tell me about a time that you have experienced a loss for doing what is right.
    A:Determine how the candidate defines "what is right."
    • Determine how the candidate defines "a loss." Is there a loss in terms of fundamentalism, social institutions, moral agency or virtuous organizations as a whole?
    • Fundamentalism: Financial and legal responsibility only "Business of business is profit." Social Institutions: Social contract exists beyond economics and legalities. Need to accommodate stakeholders' interests.
    • Moral Agency: Moral obligations similar to people. Morality and ethics are part of culture: The ‘right thing to do.'
    • Virtuous Organizations: Organizations that foster the good society. Obligation to build a better world.
    Q: In what business situations do you feel honesty is inappropriate?
    A: In the Movie "Liar, Liar," the actor Carey portrayed a lawyer who shared his honest feelings to all around him. Sharing honest feelings, especially ones of anger, frustration, and hate, may be inappropriate and also based on inadequate information about another person or situation.
    Q: If you knew that your supervisor was doing something unethical, what would you do?
    A: Follow handbook, contract, or past practice concerning handling the potential dishonest behavior.
    • Don't immediately assume that the supervisor is guilty of dishonest behavior.
    • Use appropriate compliance hotlines if available.
    • Contact human resources for compliance help.
    • Don't spread the potential dishonest activity news to employees or others who do not have responsibility over the matter.
    Q: Describe from an ethical standpoint, what should the relationship between a supervisor and their employee consist of?
    A: The relationship should be an honest, open, and trusting one where questions can be asked and opinions can be expressed without concern of retaliation.
    Example Questions typically asked of management personnel
    Q: You have recently been promoted to a manager position. You are aware of another employee who is using the computer in an unethical way. This other employee used to be your co-worker. How would you handle this?
    A: Follow handbook, contract, or past practice concerning handling the potential dishonest behavior.
    • Don't immediately assume that the supervisor is guilty of dishonest behavior.
    • Use appropriate compliance hotlines if available.
    • Contact human resources for compliance help.
    • Don't spread the potential dishonest activity news to employees or others who do not have responsibility over the matter.
    Q: How far is too far for monitoring employee movement, within and outside the confines of the company?
    A: There should be a balance between the need to know information about the whereabouts of employees and the need for privacy. Keep up with employee handbook policies and laws concerning this matter.
    Q: You feel that you are a very good employee and others, including your boss, are telling you that you don't measure up - what would you do in this case?
    A: Find out what specific behaviors are inadequate. Even if the impressions are wrong about you, do not retaliate.
    Q: You feel that you are a very good employee and others, including your peers, are telling you that you don't measure up - what would you do in this case?
    A: Find out what specific behaviors are inadequate. Even if the impressions are wrong about you, do not retaliate.
    Example Questions typically asked of Human Resources personnel
    Q: How do you deal with employee handbook policies that have contradictory values? (or are ambiguous)
    A: If the handbook is inadequate, there are several other ways to deal with contradictions such as
    1. Consider past practice.
    2. Consider joint recollection of what the parties intended to mean when the handbook was written.
    3. Consider letters of understanding that help explain the handbook policies.
    4. Consider what other arbitrators, companies, or court cases have done in that, or similar, situations.
    5. Consider costs (financial, social, ethical, etc.) of doing things in different ways.
    6. Consult with management and human resource management concerning potential contradictory policies.
    Q: There is a former employee of your company who wants to come back to work for you. You have an opening for which the former employee is qualified. Should you post the position? Why or Why not?
    A: Find employee handbook, contract, and legal constraints to not posting jobs first.
    Q: If a company has a diversity policy, including sexual orientation, and there were employees who complained about this facet of the policy, what would you do?
    A: According to the Hewlett Packard Case, a company has a right to enforce such diversity policy.
    Q: A Company provided beeper includes several different tones, including the song, "Dixie," and an employee is offended by the fact that a beeper holder chose this option. What would you do?
    A: Follow handbook, contract, or past practice concerning handling potentially offensive behavior.
    • Don't immediately assume that the employee is guilty of offensive behavior.
    • Contact human resources for policy help and interpretation.
    Q: Your boss has a principle that he/she strongly believes in and the program has decayed. The program is hurting the organization and the boss wants you to still push this program with the employees, what will you do?
    A: The buck stops at the top. Contact the boss to discuss specific concerns about the program. Discuss alternatives.
  11. Sample Diversity Interview Questions
    • Provide the mission statement with value on diversity. How has your experience and background prepared you to be effective in this environment with this diversity value/initiative?
    • What do you see as the most challenging aspect of a diverse working environment? What steps have you taken to meet this challenge?
    • What kinds of experiences have you had working with others with different backgrounds than your own?
    • Tell me about a time you had to alter your work style to meet a diversity need or challenge?
    • How have you handled a situation when a colleague was not accepting of others' diversity?
    • What does it mean to have a commitment to diversity and how would you develop and apply your commitment at this company?
    • What was/is the diversity value at your current/former employer? What impact did you make on this value?
    • What efforts have you made, or been involved with, to foster diversity competence` and understanding?
    • What have you done to further your knowledge about diversity? Have you included diversity in your professional development? How have you demonstrated what you have learned?
    • What kind of leadership efforts would you make to ensure a commitment to the diversity initiative or value?
    • What strategies have you used to address diversity challenges? What were the positives and negatives?
  12. Sample Productivity/Time Management Interview Questions
    • When you have a lot of work to do, how do you get it all done? Give me an example.
    • Have you ever done a cost-benefit analysis? Tell me about it.
    • Describe a time you identified a barrier to your (and or others') productivity and what you did about it.
    • Describe a time you recommended a change to procedure. What were the cost and/or productivity savings?
    • Tell me about your productivity and time management skills?
    • What do you do when someone else is late and preventing you from accomplishing your tasks?
    • How do you determine what amount of time is reasonable for a task?
  13. Sample Quality Interview Questions
    • Tell me the steps you take to monitor the quality of your work.
    • Have you ever contacted a customer with the sole purpose of to seeking feedback about a product or service you delivered? What did you learn? What did you change?
    • Describe a time you received unsolicited feedback from a customer about your work. What did you do? What improvements/changes were suggested or made?
    • Tell me how the quality of your work impacts others around you.
    • How do you decide when something is "good enough" or when it needs to be as close to perfect as possible?
  14. Sample Learning Interview Questions
    • Describe a time when you took a new job that required a much different set of skills.
    • Have you had an occasion when a prior strength actually turned out to be a weakness in another setting? How did you cope?
    • What are your major professional reading sources?
    • What sorts of things have you done to become better qualified for your career?
    • Careers grow and develop just like people do. Where do you see your career now? Why? What are you doing to sustain it?
    • What's the most valuable thing you've learned in the past year? Why?
    • Do you feel you are knowledgeable about current industry related legislation or trends? Why or why not?
    • What was the last work-related educational seminar or class you attended? Why did you attend this course? How have you transferred the knowledge gained in the course to your work?
    • Through your career have you learned more about your profession through coursework or through on the job experience? Explain. What is more important to your profession, experience or continued education?
    • What area of your last job was most challenging for you? Why was this specific part of the position difficult? Is this still challenging? Why or why not?
    • Tell me about the one person who has influenced you the most within your career? Were they a manager or mentor? What did you learn from them? Why do you think you learned so much from them?
  15. Sample Teamwork Interview Questions
    • When groups work together, conflict often erupts. Tell me about a time that conflict occurred in one of your work groups and what you did about it.
    • Tell me what role you play within work groups and why.
    • How would people you work with describe you?
    • Tell me about the most effective contribution you have made as part of a task group or special project team.
    • Tell me about a time you pitched in to help someone finish a project even though it "wasn't your job." What was the result?
    • Have you ever been in a position where you had to lead a group of peers? How did you handle it? Tell me about problems you had and how you handled them.
    • What is essential for a team to be successful?
    • Tell me about a time you worked in a cross functional team? Were there different challenges compared to a departmental task team?
    • Have you ever worked in a virtual team?
    • If so, tell me about this experience. What were the team dynamics? Was the team successful? What would you do differently?
    • If not, what do you perceive to be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of team? How would you suggest creating team cohesiveness in a virtual setting?
    • Tell me about a situation where political power plays affected team dynamics. How did you or could the team have overcome or avoided this situation?
  16. Sample Managing Change Interview Questions
    • People react differently when job demands are constantly changing. How do you react to this?
    • What kinds of events cause you stress on the job?
    • Have you ever had to persuade a peer or superior to accept an idea that you know they would not like? Tell me about the resistance you met and how you overcame it.
    • Have you ever had to persuade a group to accept a proposal or idea? How did you go about doing it? What was the result and how did you feel about it?
    • Have you ever been caught unaware by a problem or obstacle that you had not foreseen? What happened?
    • How comfortable are you with change? Give me an example?
  17. Sample Problem Analysis/Solving Interview Questions
    • Have you ever solved a problem others around you couldn't? Tell me about it.
    • What was one of the toughest problems you ever solved? What process did you go through to solve it?
    • Do people ever come to you for help in solving problems? Why?
    • How do you begin to solve a problem that initially seems insurmountable?
    • What do you do when you are faced with an obstacle to an important project? Give me an example.
    • How do you analyze different options to determine which is the best alternative?