Executive IT Insights: Navigating Business, Tech, and Security

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Operational Level Agreements (OLAs): The Foundation to Every Service Level Agreement (SLA)


Photo Attribution: BestForBest/Shutterstock.com

The Service Desk Manager arrived at the ITIL Service Manager's office and found her staring out the window. He politely knocked, and the manager invited him to sit down, saying, "Glad to see you back. How is your SLA project going?"

"Progressing, thanks to your guidance."

"That is great! Tell me what you have done so far."

"I met with several key business leaders and explained the project and what a Service Level Agreement is. They are excited about us addressing their critical needs, and they are looking forward to a continuous improvement process partnership. However, I am not experiencing the same excitement from the various IT departments. I thought they would love to know what the business needs."

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How to Define & Measure ITSM Critical Success Factors (CSF) with SLAs & KPIs

ITSM Critical Success Factors with SLAs & KPIs

Photo Attribution: Nemanja Cosovic & fatmawati achmad zaenuri/Shutterstock.com

When the young man arrived at the ITIL Service Manager's office, he found her reading a book. He politely knocked, and the manager invited him to sit down, saying, "What can I do for you?"

The young man said, "My manager asked me to write an SLA for my Service Desk, and I don't know where to start. Another manager told me you know everything there is to know about IT best practices."

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IT Change Management Stakeholders: The Complete How & Why of Identifying & Analyzing

ITSM Stakeholder Identification & Analysis

Photo Attribution: Griboedov/Shutterstock.com

Introduction: Why are stakeholders important?

Stakeholder feedback into Continuous Improvement Practice is the best and fastest way to transform Information Technology (IT) into a strategic asset for your company.

This article focuses on examining ITIL® Change Management stakeholders, who they are, the analysis of them, and why it is important, and the countless opportunities to gain insight into what to improve from stakeholder feedback.

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Shift-Left Analysis & How-To Guide: Maximize IT Service Management (ITSM) Efficiency

Shift Left ITSM

Photo Attribution: Rvector/Shutterstock.com

Discover the meaning, principles & benefits of the Shift-Left support model approach & best-practice implementation strategies

IT departments have always lived in a world of balancing two opposing activities with limited resources:

  1. Maintaining user productivity by responding when something breaks (an Incident) or a user request for services (a Service Request).
  2. "Maximizing the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring that risks have been properly assessed and authorizing changes." 1

What makes this juggling a challenge is the same high-level skills for planning, testing, and implementing changes are also the same resources required for resolving more complicated escalated incidents. Anyone that works in IT is familiar with firefighting interruptions. You are in your cube with your head around a time-sensitive change project when you receive a new incident that cannot wait. If you only had more people, then you could split the tasks between project management people and operational people. But is that really going to happen? So, what does happen is that you take the time to help out the users and skimp on the change project because projects are also time sensitive.

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What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations?

What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations

Photo Attribution: khaleddesigner/Shutterstock.com

Any break in the standard flow of a business can result in severe financial losses. Where do these losses stem from? One of the most expensive business interruptions is IT or system downtime. What is system downtime? It's when a technological "glitch" shuts down production. For healthcare companies, it's when servers shut down and your electronic health records become unavailable. No appointment scheduling. No access to patient records. No processing of payments.

There are some estimates that downtime costs range from $427 per minute for small businesses to as high as $9,000 for large enterprises.

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The 3 Most Effective Organizational Change Management Models in Healthcare Practices

Change Management Models for Healthcare

Photo Attribution: Golden Sikorka/Shutterstock.com

Change management models are a crucial part of any organization. Healthcare settings in particular are known to be resistant to change and have a lot on the line when it comes to implementation. In order to stay competitive, it is important to know how best to implement change management strategies that will keep your organization running smoothly and efficiently. There are many different models for change management frameworks, but which ones work the best for healthcare?

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What is the State of Telehealth in Canada and Where Does it Lag?

What is the State of Telehealth in Canada and Where Does it Lag

Photo Attribution: Bagel Studio/Shutterstock.com

Telehealth can be super convenient, effective, and affordable. With the prevalence of COVID-19, many are now more comfortable with seeking medical advice from the comfort of home, rather than visiting a physical doctor's office. Today, there are many free and confidential telehealth services run by the public health authorities across Canadian provinces and territories. Generally, these services are government-run and match patients with healthcare professionals, all via the phone. Once connected, patients can ask for medical advice on a variety of non-emergency topics. Most of the subject matter will revolve around healthcare professionals advising patients whether or not the particular condition is something that can be managed at home, or something that should be referred to in-person care.

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Stop the Turnover: Maximize Help Desk Employee Retention & Prevent Agent Burnout

Happy IT Help Desk Personnel

Photo Attribution: Viktoria Kazakova/Shutterstock.com

IT help desks have some of the highest turnover, which is very costly, pushing 40%. Why is that? John Loyd suggests several reasons, including high stress, lack of experience, and feeling ineffective. And so, how can organizations and leaders go about maximizing IT help desk employee retention?

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3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost-Effective Customer Service

3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost Effective Customer Service

Photo Attribution: BoBaa22/Shutterstock.com

From the right tools to adequate staffing, customer service can turn out to be an expensive venture for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most of the expenses incurred come from in-house teams, usually those working in a call-center. If customers get off of the phone with your in-house team and still don't have a resolution to their issue, that can also be seen as both time and money wasted. This is especially true if the customer decides to forego your business thanks to that particular experience.

According to Hannah Steiman of Peak Support, there are a few ways in which in-house customer service can become costly:

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The Difference Between Help Desk, Technical Support & Desktop Support & Skills Required

The Difference Between Helpdesk Technical and Desktop Support and Skills Required

Photo Attribution: Rosadu/Shutterstock.com

With continued growth in computer and hand-held device use in the lives of many brings increasing technical questions and problems that arise. And so, the field of supporting these systems grows along with it, which brings business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and employment opportunities for support personnel.

But there are different types of support needs accompanied by varying required responsibilities and skills. The following are the differences between, and skills required for, three common areas of support: Help Desk, Technical Support, and Desktop/Deskside Support.

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