Service Leader's Corner: Elevating Customer Excellence

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Hiring Strategies for the 21st Century

Job Hiring

Like it or not, gone are the times where businesses could effectively eliminate candidates for hire based on things like their grade point average, the quality of their educational institution, and even something as basic as age. With the advancement of the technological world and constant innovation, businesses are more strapped and stressed than ever trying to find qualified candidates for positions that are growing in relevance, such as qualitative analytics. This is because, as times change, hiring practices have not. Pre-qualifications that are borderline discriminatory to a good portion of essentially qualified applicants are eliminating an entire potential workforce.

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4 Benefits of Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping Process Success

One of the best ways to organize your thoughts is through Mind Mapping. This concept has been around for a while and it is one of those rare things in life where there is no right or wrong. Mind Mapping can be used for planning team projects or just as a personal way to keep track of your thoughts. Let's take a closer look at the concept.

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3 Considerations When Setting Service Level Goals and Objectives

Service Level Goals

Service level is an important KPI in a call center. Basically, service level is defined as the percentage of calls answered within a specified number of seconds. A common SLA metrics example is 80% of calls answered within 30 seconds. This response time SLA is sometimes considered an industry standard, but customer service is about more than just a speedy response. Let's take a look at some of the other factors involved in setting service level goals and service level objectives.

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3 Tips When Making Tough Business Decisions Involving Employees

Employee Management & HR Decisions

When it comes to making business decisions involving employees, things can become a little difficult for any business, no matter the size, to navigate. If one is very involved with the employees, it can be difficult on a personal level. Even though studies have shown that getting to know employees on a personal level, and not just in a business setting, increases happiness in the workplace. However, management of all forms and levels are often discouraged from getting to know employees on a personal basis for this reason.

This difficulty is often amplified when a business needs to be letting go of employees. Whether it is in the process of downsizing, or simply has to cut out employees because of technological advancements and integration, here are three things to keep in mind:

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Customer Service Apologies

Customer Service Best Practices Apologizing

Sometimes it is necessary to apologize. Apologies usually come after a mistake has been made. The idea of acknowledging that there is something to apologize for is off-putting to many businesses, but the fact is, mistakes sometimes happen. Whenever your company is dealing with customers who would like an issue addressed or have a complaint to make, an apology is a good place to start.

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How to Reduce Conflict Among Employees

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts between colleagues are inevitable. However, there are several measures to help avoid and mediate conflicts. In an interview, Kumud Kalia, former CIO of Direct Energy (now CIO at Akamai Technologies), details why conflicts arise and how to deal with existing and potential conflicts in the future.

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The Giva Challenge: Giva Customers are Talking! San Jacinto Community College

San Jacinto Community College

One generally presumes businesses and corporations when they think of IT department support. However, IT support for colleges and universities in the U.S. is growing exponentially in light of the technological revolution.

One such example is San Jacinto Community College (SJC). Based in Pasadena, Texas, SJC serves approximately 30,000 credit students and 2,500 faculty and staff. The IT department has 115 employees supporting three campuses, a District office and several extension centers.

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The Giva Challenge: Giva Customers Are Talking! MetroHealth System

MetroHealth System

MetroHealth System, a hospital system providing quality care for over 175 years, has a history of constant growth and expansion. With humble beginnings in 1837 as the Cleveland, Ohio city infirmary, serving a population of 6,000 people, it experienced exponential growth with the arrival of the industrial revolution. Today, MetroHealth is one of the largest and most comprehensive public health systems in the country.

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The Giva Challenge: Giva Customers are Talking! Dataram


With the advent of new technology comes the heavy responsibility of providing customer support and bandwidth to keep ahead of the dynamic growth of that technology. And even nano-second delays count in this day and age. Enter Dataram, a leading independent manufacturer of memory products and provider of performance solutions guaranteeing the performance of their products. Over the course of several decades, Dataram has developed premier memory, storage and software solutions to support its ever-growing database of customers.

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3 Steps for Integrating People and Technology

Integrating People & Technology

Unlike the plot of many sci-fi movies, the human race has yet to be dominated by artificial intelligence. And since we are not living in the world of I, Robot or The Matrix, we still need smart individuals to work alongside the technology we use. Neither can achieve maximum efficiency without the other.

Integrating people and technology is a critical step in constructing efficient collaboration within a business. A lack of integration might hold any business back from achieving its maximum potential growth.

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