Security Sentinel: Safeguarding Tech, Health, and Service

Explore comprehensive security in our category, "Security Sentinel: Safeguarding Tech, Health, and Service." Your go-to resource for cybersecurity insights across technology, healthcare, and service industries. "Security Sentinel" guides you in navigating the complex landscape of safeguarding technology, healthcare data, and service operations.

Is This a HIPAA Violation? Take Our HIPAA Quiz

HIPAA Violations Quiz

Photo Attribution: Monte Cristo 007/

Organizations in the healthcare field will be familiar with HIPAA, formally known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Signed into law in 1996, it sets a national standard for protecting personal health information (PHI). It ensures that patients know how their information is stored and shared through consultation and consent. According to the HIPAA Journal, in the twelve months leading up to October 2023, there were 678 reported data breaches that contained 500 or more records across the country. There is room for improvement in protecting sensitive PHI, especially when dealing with large databases.

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What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations?

What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations

Photo Attribution: khaleddesigner/

Any break in the standard flow of a business can result in severe financial losses. Where do these losses stem from? One of the most expensive business interruptions is IT or system downtime. What is system downtime? It's when a technological "glitch" shuts down production. For healthcare companies, it's when servers shut down and your electronic health records become unavailable. No appointment scheduling. No access to patient records. No processing of payments.

There are some estimates that downtime costs range from $427 per minute for small businesses to as high as $9,000 for large enterprises.

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Top 8 HIPAA-Compliant Text Messaging Apps

HIPAA-Compliant Secure Text Messaging

We have compiled a list of the top HIPAA-compliant messaging apps which provide concise descriptions and key features, assisting healthcare practices and systems in maintaining patient data securely and providing a better patient experience in the ever changing nature of healthcare technology.

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How Does HIPAA Differ from PIPEDA?

How Does HIPAA Differ from PIPEDA

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) is Canada's federal law on patient privacy (Canada equivalent of HIPAA). It is comparable to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, however, there are a few key differences to be aware of.

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Pros, Cons & Reminders When Upgrading Your Operating System

Operating System Technology Update

The operating system (OS) in your device is as vital to it as your blood is to you. Without an OS, any device is essentially just a shell. Every new device that you buy comes with an OS, usually the latest version from the manufacturer you have selected. When you get the device, you get the OS. That is the good news. The question marks start appearing at the same time as the little pop-up window in the corner of your screen that tells you it is time to upgrade your OS. Here are some of the pros and cons of moving to the latest version of your OS.

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