26 Great Ways to Bring Friendly Customer Service

A true differentiator in business today is friendly customer service. While answering questions and resolving problems, building genuine connections with customers through friendly interactions can result in brand loyalty and positive reviews. A warm greeting or personalized gesture of appreciation can enhance the overall experience and perception of a brand.

Friendly Customer Service

Photo Attribution: bpietroni/Shutterstock.com

Below we discuss more as to why a friendly customer service experience is important. Then, we offer 26 ways to help implement a friendly customer service environment, along with statistics as to why they are important.

The Benefits of Bringing a Friendly Customer Service Experience

Friendly customer service helps create meaningful connections with customers. These can have many business benefits:

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

    When customers feel valued, respected, and cared for, they are more likely to walk away from their interactions feeling satisfied with their experience. Satisfied customers are not only more likely to make repeat purchases but also tend to share their positive experiences with others.

  • Increased Customer Loyalty

    Friendly customer service creates emotional connections with customers, making them feel appreciated and understood. As a result, customers are more likely to remain loyal to the brand, even in the face of competition or minor issues in service.

  • Positive Brand Perception

    Friendly customer service sends a clear message that the company cares about its customers' well-being and is committed to providing a positive experience at every touchpoint. This positive brand perception can lead to increased trust, credibility, and favorability.

  • Competitive Advantage

    By delivering friendly customer service, businesses can position themselves as leaders in their respective industries. This can help attract new customers and keep customers from switching to a competitor.

26 Ways to Provide the Most Friendly Customer Service

  1. Greet with a smile

    A warm and genuine smile can instantly make customers feel welcome and valued.

    Why this is important: According to a study by Psychology Today, researchers found that smiling makes you appear more likable and courteous. And further, Barger and Granley found that smiling also contributes to better customer satisfaction levels.

  2. Use positive language

    Opt for words and phrases that convey friendliness and positivity, such as "certainly," "my pleasure," and "happy to help."

    Why this is important: It is believed that using positive language in customer interactions can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Be approachable

    Keep an open posture and maintain eye contact to show customers that you're available and ready to assist.

    Why this is important: A Gallup poll found that 54% of people who feel their manager is approachable are more actively engaged in their work. This idea can translate into the world of customer service, stating that customers are more likely to engage with approachable service providers.

  4. Listen actively

    Give customers your full attention, nodding and paraphrasing to show you understand their concerns.

    Why this is important: The International Journal of Listening cites a study showing that active listening techniques, such as head nods and paraphrasing, help build rapport.

  5. Personalize interactions

    Address customers by name and tailor your responses to their specific needs or preferences.

    Why this is important: According to Salesforce's "State of the Connected Customer" report, 84% of customers say being treated like a person, and not a number, emphasizes the need for personal attention to win and retain their business.

  6. Express empathy

    Show understanding and compassion towards customers' concerns or frustrations.

    Why this is important: An Edelman's Trust Barometer report found that 83% of people want brands to connect with them in a way that shows empathy and support.

  7. Be patient

    Stay calm and patient, even if customers are upset or take longer to explain their issue.

    Why this is important: The Conversation notes that dealing with impatient behavior can harm employees' well-being. The reverse can be extrapolated to the micro-issue of a customer service interaction. Impatient behavor from the agent can agitate a customer, which can lead to their dissatisfaction.

  8. Offer assistance proactively

    Anticipate customers' needs and offer help before they have to ask.

    Why this is important: According to a study by Accenture, 78% of B2B and 65% of B2C customers expect companies to anticipate their needs and make relevant suggestions before they reach out.

  9. Provide clear communication

    Use simple language and avoid jargon to ensure customers understand your messages.

    Why this is important: A survey conducted by Clutch found that 65% of customers believe clear communication is one of the top three traits needed when they call a business.

  10. Admit mistakes

    If you or your company make a mistake, acknowledge it openly, apologize sincerely, and work to find a resolution.

    Why this is important: Salesforce research indicates that 78% of customers will forgive a company mistake if they have gone on to effectively provide excellent service for the rest of their experience.

  11. Maintain a positive attitude

    Stay upbeat and enthusiastic, even during challenging interactions.

    Why this is important: In an Aberdeen Group report about employee engagement to foster a positive workplace attitude among personnel, companies with such a program saw 233% greater customer loyalty. A positive attitude in the work environment can help in maintaining one during customer support engagements.

  12. Show appreciation

    Thank customers for their patience, understanding, or feedback to demonstrate gratitude.

    Why this is important: According to a survey by Ask Your Target Market, 91% of the respondents said they are more likely to do business with companies that appreciate their customers.

  13. Follow up

    Check in with customers after resolving their issue to ensure they're satisfied and offer further assistance if needed.

    Why this is important: Following up with customers can be perceived as personalized attention. Zendesk noted that 77% of business leaders agree that this leads to increased customer retention.

  14. Be responsive

    Respond promptly to customer inquiries or concerns, whether in person, over the phone, or online.

    Why this is important: A study by Forrester Research found that 66% of U.S. adults said that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do for good online customer service.

  15. Respect boundaries

    Recognize when customers prefer space or minimal interaction and adjust your approach accordingly.

    Why this is important: Zendesk shows in a survey that 67% of respondents prefer self service over being contacted by a company representative. This highlights the need to consider customer preferences in interactions.

  16. Offer small gestures

    Little gestures like offering a beverage or providing a small token of appreciation can go a long way in fostering friendliness and personable customer service.

    Why this is important: According to a survey by Canada's R3 Marketing, 94% of Canadians felt more positive about a company they received a small gift or gesture of appreciation from.

  17. Stay professional

    While being friendly, maintain professionalism by adhering to company policies and standards.

    Why this is important: Previous research from NewVoiceMedia (now Vonage) indicated that 42% came away negatively from a customer service interaction when the agent was rude or unhelpful.

  18. Be genuine

    Authenticity is key to building rapport with customers. Be yourself and let your natural friendliness shine through.

    Why this is important: A study by Khoros found that 75% of consumers prefer an authentic human voice to a perfectly crafted brand message.

  19. Share positive experiences

    If appropriate, share anecdotes or success stories that showcase positive outcomes related to the customer's inquiry or concern.

    Why this is important: According to a survey by Brightlocal, 46% of consumers feel that online business reviews are as trustworthy as personal recommendations from friends or family. Sharing your service successes can help increase confidence in the customers you help.

  20. Seek feedback

    Encourage customers to share their thoughts and suggestions for improvement, showing that you value their input and are committed to continuously enhancing their experience.

    Why this is important: A study by Microsoft noted that 77% of customers have a more favorable view of brands that ask for and accept customer feedback.

  21. Use humor appropriately

    A well-timed joke or lighthearted comment can help ease tension and create a more enjoyable customer experience.

    Why this is important: Research from Oracle's "Happiness Report" finds that 91% of people prefer brands to be funny and 72% would choose a brand that uses humor over the competition.

  22. Offer genuine compliments

    Take notice of positive attributes or efforts made by customers and offer sincere compliments to acknowledge them.

    Why this is important: According to a study by the Japanese National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Okazaki, Japan, receiving compliments activates the same part of the brain as receiving monetary rewards.

  23. Empower customers

    Provide customers with the tools and information they need to solve their own problems whenever possible, empowering them in the process.

    Why this is important: A survey by Nuance Enterprise found that 75% of respondents said self-service was a convenient way to address customer service issues.

  24. Celebrate milestones

    Recognize and celebrate important milestones or achievements with customers, such as anniversaries or significant events.

    Why this is important: Mar Tech Series suggests that birthday emails generate five times more transactions and two times the click-through rates of other promotional messages.

  25. Be flexible

    Work with the customer on their terms, in preferences and time schedules, demonstrating flexibility in your approach.

    Why this is important: According to a study in ResearchGate, there is around a 10% boost in satisfaction when businesses are flexible.

  26. Create a welcoming environment

    Pay attention to the physical environment of your business or workspace, ensuring it feels inviting and comfortable for customers.

    Why this is important: A survey by Bradley Corp indicated that 52% of respondents will spend more at businesses that have clean, well-maintained restrooms.

Conclusion: The Human Experience Within the Care of Business

One thing is certain as we look to the future of customer service: friendliness is the cornerstone of great customer experiences and is not only a passing fad. It is important to adopt friendliness as a fundamental value, implemented across the organization. This can help businesses create stronger customer relationships, promote sustainable growth, and show themselves as industry leaders.

Establish personal connections with customers to make them feel valued, understood, and appreciated. Businesses can generate happy moments, encourage loyalty, and create lifelong brand champions.

Let us work to bring true warmth, kindness, and genuine care with every customer connection. And let us make friendliness our customer service foundation, where clients are not just customers but valued partners.

Giva Can Help You Provide the Best Customer Experience

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