Tech Trends: Exploring the World of Innovation

Explore the forefront of innovation in "Tech Trends." Dive into curated articles dissecting the latest tech trends and their transformative impact on various industries. Whether you're an IT professional, tech enthusiast, or business owner, join us in staying abreast of the ever-evolving technology landscape within our comprehensive blog.

Healthcare & Cryptocurrency: How Do They Work Together?

Cryptocurrency and Healthcare

Photo Attribution: VLADGRIN/

Mentioning cryptocurrency and healthcare in the same sentence might make some scratch their heads. They seem like two completely different entities without any relation to one another. However, there is a correlation between the two, as cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, can be used to make purchases or entice service within the healthcare industry. Like blockchain, cryptocurrency is not managed by a central authority, making its ease of use one of its most attractive benefits. 

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Automated Information Systems (AIS) - All You Need to Know

Automated Information Systems (AIS)

Photo Attribution: Funtap/

What is an Automated Information System (AIS)?

You may not know a lot about AIS, but it can help your business. Automated Information Systems (AIS) are computer-based collections of data and software that use the input of various resources to automate the management of operations and information, creating useful output that can help a company make strategic decisions. AIS is a compilation of hardware, software, or both to automate communication, documentation, reporting, processing, and storing information, and typically has a front-end interface where a user interacts with the system, a back-end database or a similar mechanism for storing items such as management reports, real-time transaction processing feeds from other systems, and middleware logic used to tie it all together.

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What is EUC? Everything You Need to Know About End-User Computing Made Simple

End User Computing

Photo Attribution: wan wei/

With the rise of mobile commerce, companies need to constantly accommodate customer demands to ensure their business is keeping up with technological advancements. It is not enough to have a website to sell services and products. According to Allied Market Research, "The global mobile payment market size was valued at $1.48 trillion in 2019, and is projected to reach $12.06 trillion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.1% from 2020 to 2027." In a study completed by Dynamic Yield, three out of four consumers answered that they prefer using their mobile to make purchases to save time. As a business, you must ensure you are able to reduce the barrier to purchase for your customers. Customer-facing applications have become a norm in EUC, which stands for "End-User Computing".

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Information Technology (IT) Industry Analysis & Overview

Information Technology Industsry Analysis Overview

Photo Attribution: Den Rise/

Today, you would be hard-pressed to find an industry that does not rely on technology, whether directly or indirectly. From healthcare to retail and everything in-between technology is used to gather, share, monitor, and create.

Though similar technologies appear across different industries, they often serve alternative purposes. Similarly, however, technology is designed to streamline day-to-day processes. Although, some may argue that it has complicated things further!

Are you interested about the role of IT across industries? Get ready for 'IT education' as we explore various components of tech uptake across the information technology sector.

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What is XaaS and How It Can Benefit Your Business

XaaS Cloud Computing

Photo Attribution: johavel/

XaaS stands for "Everything as a Service" or "Anything as a Service". It's an acronym for providing any products, tools and technologies that businesses may need as a service instead of on premise or with a physical product. The term has been popularized by cloud computing services, such as SaaS (Software as a service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) and PaaS (Platform as a service).

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Machine-Learning is Leading the Self-Improving Help Desk: Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Systems

Case Based Reasoning Help Desk AI

Photo Attribution: ArchMan/

In the AI-driven era, customer service has evolved to be more efficient and self-learning. AI systems help companies in a variety of ways including improving customer satisfaction ratings, reducing operational costs, and increasing revenue. AI has many other advantages for customer service that human agents cannot compete with — it is always available, 24/7 and never gets tired or distracted. One of the leading AI systems in this area is CBR Systems' machine learning help desk system.

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What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations?

What Are the Effects and Costs of Downtime to Healthcare Organizations

Photo Attribution: khaleddesigner/

Any break in the standard flow of a business can result in severe financial losses. Where do these losses stem from? One of the most expensive business interruptions is IT or system downtime. What is system downtime? It's when a technological "glitch" shuts down production. For healthcare companies, it's when servers shut down and your electronic health records become unavailable. No appointment scheduling. No access to patient records. No processing of payments.

There are some estimates that downtime costs range from $427 per minute for small businesses to as high as $9,000 for large enterprises.

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What is the State of Telehealth in Canada and Where Does it Lag?

What is the State of Telehealth in Canada and Where Does it Lag

Photo Attribution: Bagel Studio/

Telehealth can be super convenient, effective, and affordable. With the prevalence of COVID-19, many are now more comfortable with seeking medical advice from the comfort of home, rather than visiting a physical doctor's office. Today, there are many free and confidential telehealth services run by the public health authorities across Canadian provinces and territories. Generally, these services are government-run and match patients with healthcare professionals, all via the phone. Once connected, patients can ask for medical advice on a variety of non-emergency topics. Most of the subject matter will revolve around healthcare professionals advising patients whether or not the particular condition is something that can be managed at home, or something that should be referred to in-person care.

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Top 8 HIPAA-Compliant Text Messaging Apps

HIPAA-Compliant Secure Text Messaging

We have compiled a list of the top HIPAA-compliant messaging apps which provide concise descriptions and key features, assisting healthcare practices and systems in maintaining patient data securely and providing a better patient experience in the ever changing nature of healthcare technology.

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3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost-Effective Customer Service

3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost Effective Customer Service

Photo Attribution: BoBaa22/

From the right tools to adequate staffing, customer service can turn out to be an expensive venture for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most of the expenses incurred come from in-house teams, usually those working in a call-center. If customers get off of the phone with your in-house team and still don't have a resolution to their issue, that can also be seen as both time and money wasted. This is especially true if the customer decides to forego your business thanks to that particular experience.

According to Hannah Steiman of Peak Support, there are a few ways in which in-house customer service can become costly:

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