Tech Trends: Exploring the World of Innovation

Explore the forefront of innovation in "Tech Trends." Dive into curated articles dissecting the latest tech trends and their transformative impact on various industries. Whether you're an IT professional, tech enthusiast, or business owner, join us in staying abreast of the ever-evolving technology landscape within our comprehensive blog.

4 Ways Governments Can Improve Service Level Agreements

Improving Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements (SLA) are formal agreements made between two or more parties as it pertains to a particular service. These documents provide guidelines for both the provider and the consumer during the life of a specified contract. A subsidiary of the Canadian Government, called Shared Services Canada (SSC), was formed in 2011 and took aim at adjusting certain parameters around SLAs within the Government of Canada in order to ensure efficiency.

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How CareLoop is Improving Healthcare Communication

Careloop Social Media for Doctors & Patients

UCHealth Denver tested the real-time social feed, CareLoop, and its effectiveness with regard to its spread of messages and information. CareLoop (now DispatchHealth) is essentially Facebook for patients; it is a medium that facilitates messages from medical professionals, questions from patients, test results, explanations, even providing users with information on possible symptoms and what they should be expecting in terms of certain procedures and medicines. Like most social media sites, CareLoop is a live feed, allowing patients to acquire their information and stay current up to the minute. Physicians and nurses have more opportunities to communicate with their patients without the necessity of a face-to-face visit.

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12 Principles of Agile Software Development

12 Principles of Agile Software Development

Building software is a complex process that requires a great deal of communication and cooperation. Without an effective plan and system of implementation, the degree of difficulty only increases. The Agile Method for Software Development consists of 12 simple principles that can empower a development team to produce quality products quickly.

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The Benefits of Configuration Management

Software Configuration Management

Configuration Management, or Software Configuration Management, is the tracking and controlling of software changes in a system. Its purpose is to ensure consistency in performance, functionality, and design. In many ways, configuration management is analogous to the architectural framework of a house that sets the tone for the actual materials, such as lumber and windows. In this case, software configuration would be the framework that is intertwined with tools such as cloud computing and other forms of configuration management database, or CMDB for short.

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Pros, Cons & Reminders When Upgrading Your Operating System

Operating System Technology Update

The operating system (OS) in your device is as vital to it as your blood is to you. Without an OS, any device is essentially just a shell. Every new device that you buy comes with an OS, usually the latest version from the manufacturer you have selected. When you get the device, you get the OS. That is the good news. The question marks start appearing at the same time as the little pop-up window in the corner of your screen that tells you it is time to upgrade your OS. Here are some of the pros and cons of moving to the latest version of your OS.

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5 Steps for Building a CMDB

Data Configuration Management

A Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is used to keep track of the different parts of an IT environment. Generally, CMDBs are convenient for modeling potential changes in IT, identifying where problems are occurring within an IT environment, and providing transparency for a company's system in case of audits or legal issues. A CMDB is like a big map of an IT environment and there are many things to consider when building the database. For more information, you can read our article on how a CMDB is helpful.

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3 Steps for Integrating People and Technology

Integrating People & Technology

Unlike the plot of many sci-fi movies, the human race has yet to be dominated by artificial intelligence. And since we are not living in the world of I, Robot or The Matrix, we still need smart individuals to work alongside the technology we use. Neither can achieve maximum efficiency without the other.

Integrating people and technology is a critical step in constructing efficient collaboration within a business. A lack of integration might hold any business back from achieving its maximum potential growth.

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3 Main Types of Cloud Computing: IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS

Cloud Computing

The "Cloud" is everywhere today in technology. Whether it is data storage, or communicating with colleagues and friends, many apps and devices interact with the cloud. But what makes up the cloud? Cloud computing can be broken up into three main services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

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