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Are IT Certifications Worth It? Our Guide to the Top IT Certificates

IT Certifications

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein/

Is it worth it for companies to encourage IT certifications for their technology employees? What certifications are organizations most interested in? Gaining competency in various areas helps expand the possibilities for your company's growth and an individual's job opportunities. If you're seeking a job in the IT industry, you want to know the best option to land the position you want.

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What Do CIOs Face Today? Top IT Challenges CIOs Care & Worry About

CIO IT Challenges

Photo Attribution: Mr.Thanakorn Kotpootorn/

Many medium to large-scale businesses have dedicated Chief Information Officers, or CIOs for short. These individuals are typically in charge of technical processes related to IT and managing data flow and storage. Smaller organizations may also have an individual in charge of these areas, but it may not be their first or only priority.

In recent times, CIOs have faced many challenges. These hardships are generally driven by a power struggle, not between people, but rather around responsibilities. Do they manage traditional IT functions like hardware fixes and software updates or do they drive the transformation of technology in the workplace to remain efficient and competitive? With cyber risks at an all-time high and customers being as demanding as ever, finding a balance between IT function and digital transformation are critical to becoming a forward-thinking organization.

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Are You a Covered Entity Under HIPAA? 4 Types of Covered Entities

HIPAA Covered Entity

Photo Attribution: Yeexin Richelle/

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can be a tricky yet necessary protocol to follow. A common misconception of those on the "outside looking in" is that HIPAA only applies to healthcare organizations like hospitals and other specialty clinics.

When looking into who is covered by HIPAA, you may be surprised to learn that several more entities have a responsibility to adhere to HIPAA guidelines as a covered entity. Some of these organizations are not even directly involved with healthcare.

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Master Service Agreement (MSA) or Service Level Agreement (SLA): Which Do You Need in Business?

Master Service Agreement (MSA) vs Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein & Nemanja Cosovic/

In the IT sector, internal and external relationships are often governed by legal or quasi-legal documents. In IT and ITSM, the terms "Master Service Agreement" and "Service Level Agreement" are often used interchangeably. 

However, there are differences between the two kinds of agreements that can impact how you want to use them in your organization. While both can be used for similar purposes — such as establishing clear expectations for internal IT service providers or external vendors — what separates them and how they're used are sufficiently different that it's worth taking the time to understand why this is important.

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What Is a Service Level Agreement in Business? SLA Meaning and Definition

SLA Meaning and Definition

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein/

So, what is the meaning of an SLA, or what does SLA stand for, anyway?

The term Service Level Agreement (SLA) is basically self-defining: two parties (service provider and customer) officially agreeing on the level of service by which they both are willing to abide. However, defining and creating an effective SLA between an ITSM team and the rest of the organization, or between a third-party provider and a business isn't always that easy.

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IT Business Continuity Plan (BCP): What It Is, Why Have One, and Key Features

IT Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Photo Attribution: chrupka/

In today's society, several factors can impact the business continuity of IT environments. In addition to physical threats like theft and natural disasters, the Internet — despite its many benefits — can also wreak havoc. Downtime, in any form, can cost a company money and, perhaps, its reputation if not managed correctly.

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What Is an IT Operating Model, and Why Does “Everyone” Need One?

Operating Models

Photo Attribution: VectorMine/

New and seasoned businesspeople know that a well-thought-out business model and strategy are two key ingredients needed to create a successful company. 

However, something discussed less frequently is an operating or operational model. This outlines important details about a company, including those regarding employees, processes, systems and technology.

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What is ITIL Compliance: Are Organizations Achieving It or ITIL Alignment?

ITIL Compliance vs Alignment

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/

In most organizations there is a generic form of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®), that provides a detailed outline and operating procedure for IT operations and activities.

In many ways, this ITIL operational management process controls and oversees IT Service Management (ITSM), IT Help Desks, and relationships with external vendors, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) providers.

In recent years, the idea of  becoming "ITIL compliant" has become more popular. However, this leaves many IT leaders wondering:

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Our Big List of As-A-Service Acronyms

Our Big List of As A Service Acronyms

Photo Attribution: veryp/

The cloud is so much more than new-era data storage. It has grown to offer services of all kinds to businesses, healthcare organizations, educational faculties, and more. You may already be familiar with "Software as a Service" or the SaaS meaning. While that is a well-known expansion of cloud as a service, there are many other acronyms you may be unaware of. Each acronym reflects another capable service of the cloud — one or more of which may be of value to you and your organization. Continue reading as we have created a master listing of each service related to today's cloud technology.

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B2B Customer Journey vs Experience Journey Mapping

Customer Journey vs Experience Journey Mapping

Photo Attribution: TarikVision/

Before the Internet, business to business (B2B) customer journeys were simpler, linear, and customers had less control. Sellers controlled the flow of information and were often the ones to initiate contact.

Salespeople and marketing teams pulled potential customers into the sales funnel, except for word-of-mouth referrals and those who went seeking solutions to their problems. The digital age changed all of that.

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