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3 Valuable Tips for Improving Customer Service in Telehealth Practices

3 Valuable Tips for Improving Customer Service in Telehealth Practices

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/

There is a good chance that if patients have chosen to engage in telehealth services, they have done so due to its overall convenience. Though the level of patient care is most important, customer service plays an integral role in patient retention. This is a key metric to consider when looking at the continued growth of telehealth services across North America.

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How Does HIPAA Differ from PIPEDA?

How Does HIPAA Differ from PIPEDA

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) is Canada's federal law on patient privacy (Canada equivalent of HIPAA). It is comparable to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, however, there are a few key differences to be aware of.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity Training: Here Are 6 Companies That Can Help

Healthcare Cybersecurity Training Here are 6 Companies That Can Help

Photo Attribution: Jaiz Anuar/

Employee error has long been acknowledged to be one of the main causes of healthcare security breaches. Still, a recent report by Kaspersky revealed that approximately one in four healthcare employees, ranging from doctors to admin staff, have never received cybersecurity training. Moreover, 11% of those that did receive training said that it only happened once during the on-boarding process.

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4 Organizations Offering Change Management Training

4 Organizations Offering Change Management Training

The most stressful times for an organization seem to be during times of change. All stakeholders begin to feel on edge, with employees feeling worried about how the change initiative could affect them personally and customers feeling confused by sudden adjustments. Accordingly, many consulting services offer short offline or online courses and training programs that focus on helping organizations manage change initiatives as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The following is a list of organizations offering online and on-site change management training:

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The MetroHealth System Launches New Giva HR Employee Interface

The MetroHealth System Launches New Giva HR Employee Interface

On Monday, August 19th, Giva customer, The MetroHealth System, launched a new internal Human Resources (HR) service using Giva's HIPAA compliant SaaS Customer Self-Service Portal. The MetroHealth System has for the past five years already been utilizing Giva's Service Management Suite™ in the cloud for their IT Service Desk and a number of other departments such as Facilities and Environmental Services. They are now pleased to be expanding their services by offering Giva's Customer Self-Service Portal to their employees in an effort to offer streamlined HR services.

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5 Key Changes Made to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework V1.1

5 Key Changes Made to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework V1.1

(Image source: Security

In 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) that guides organizations in their journey towards developing secure computer systems. It sets a flexible foundation that all businesses can follow and sculpt to their needs. For this reason, it is extremely successful and is employed by a large number of organizations.

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5 Types of Help Desk Examples: Which is Right For You?

5 Types of Help Desk: Which is Right For You

Help desks are typically grouped according to their form of deployment, the size of a client's business and whether the software's source code is accessible and easy to alter. When searching for the perfect help desk, you must take these elements into consideration. The following is an explanation of the five main types of help desk examples currently on the market:

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5 Ways to Remedy a Bad Customer Service Situation

5 Ways to Remedy a Bad Customer Service Situation

No matter how hard you may try, delivering great customer service all the time may simply not be possible. Even if you take your job seriously, slip ups will inevitably occur. Significantly, providing perfect customer service is not what makes your organization great, rather it is the way in which you handle bad situations with customers. Here are a few tips on how to remedy a bad customer service situation:

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3 Types of Service Level Agreements

3 Types of Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a business and its customer outlining the details that the two parties have agreed to in a transaction. The types of SLAs that an organization can use depends on many significant aspects. While some are targeted at individual customer groups, others discuss issues relevant to entire companies. This is because the needs of one user differ from those of another. Below is a list of the types of SLAs used by businesses today, and how each one is utilized for specific situations:

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4 Ways Governments Can Improve Service Level Agreements

Improving Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements (SLA) are formal agreements made between two or more parties as it pertains to a particular service. These documents provide guidelines for both the provider and the consumer during the life of a specified contract. A subsidiary of the Canadian Government, called Shared Services Canada (SSC), was formed in 2011 and took aim at adjusting certain parameters around SLAs within the Government of Canada in order to ensure efficiency.

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