Executive IT Insights: Navigating Business, Tech, and Security

Explore "Executive IT Insights," delving into the executive realm of information technology. Our blog category is your gateway to business strategies, tech trends, and security insights. Whether you're an IT director, CIO, or executive, join us for a nuanced perspective on navigating the digital era.

5 Winning Strategies in Responding to Negative Customer Feedback

5 Winning Strategies in Responding to Negative Customer Feedback

Photo Attribution: Golden Sikorka/Shutterstock.com

The way customers interact with businesses has changed rapidly in the last several years. This means that organizations have had to pivot their business and marketing strategies. Customers are becoming increasingly diligent about researching products and services before buying. The most powerful source of product understanding is customer feedback, which has become even more accessible now as online reviews are growing in power and number.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity Training: Here Are 6 Companies That Can Help

Healthcare Cybersecurity Training Here are 6 Companies That Can Help

Photo Attribution: Jaiz Anuar/stock.adobe.com

Employee error has long been acknowledged to be one of the main causes of healthcare security breaches. Still, a recent report by Kaspersky revealed that approximately one in four healthcare employees, ranging from doctors to admin staff, have never received cybersecurity training. Moreover, 11% of those that did receive training said that it only happened once during the on-boarding process.

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5 Key Changes Made to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework V1.1

5 Key Changes Made to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework V1.1

(Image source: Security Affairs.co)

In 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) that guides organizations in their journey towards developing secure computer systems. It sets a flexible foundation that all businesses can follow and sculpt to their needs. For this reason, it is extremely successful and is employed by a large number of organizations.

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5 Types of Help Desk Examples: Which is Right For You?

5 Types of Help Desk: Which is Right For You

Help desks are typically grouped according to their form of deployment, the size of a client's business and whether the software's source code is accessible and easy to alter. When searching for the perfect help desk, you must take these elements into consideration. The following is an explanation of the five main types of help desk examples currently on the market:

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4 Ways Governments Can Improve Service Level Agreements

Improving Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements (SLA) are formal agreements made between two or more parties as it pertains to a particular service. These documents provide guidelines for both the provider and the consumer during the life of a specified contract. A subsidiary of the Canadian Government, called Shared Services Canada (SSC), was formed in 2011 and took aim at adjusting certain parameters around SLAs within the Government of Canada in order to ensure efficiency.

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6 Important Considerations for Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Cloud Service Level Agreements

When it comes to cloud computing, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) act as both the structure and warranty of the terms of the relationship between the consumer and provider. SLAs that are tailored toward services in the cloud often include information that differs from other agreements of the same stature.

The following are six important considerations to be aware of for service level agreements customized for the cloud:

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6 Key Components of a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreements (SLA) Terms of Service

What specifically needs to be included in a service level agreement? Which aspects are described in an SLA? In this post, we explain the 6 common elements of a service contract.

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How CareLoop is Improving Healthcare Communication

Careloop Social Media for Doctors & Patients

UCHealth Denver tested the real-time social feed, CareLoop, and its effectiveness with regard to its spread of messages and information. CareLoop (now DispatchHealth) is essentially Facebook for patients; it is a medium that facilitates messages from medical professionals, questions from patients, test results, explanations, even providing users with information on possible symptoms and what they should be expecting in terms of certain procedures and medicines. Like most social media sites, CareLoop is a live feed, allowing patients to acquire their information and stay current up to the minute. Physicians and nurses have more opportunities to communicate with their patients without the necessity of a face-to-face visit.

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12 Principles of Agile Software Development

12 Principles of Agile Software Development

Building software is a complex process that requires a great deal of communication and cooperation. Without an effective plan and system of implementation, the degree of difficulty only increases. The Agile Method for Software Development consists of 12 simple principles that can empower a development team to produce quality products quickly.

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The Importance of Challenging Yourself Daily

Challenging Yourself for Business Success

Success is a future for only those able to see the value in facing challenges. Many companies focus on creating a positive environment to increase workplace productivity, but few seem to view being regularly challenged as a positive thing. Keeping your mind working daily to overcome obstacles encourages new ways of thinking and creative solutions. Embracing challenge allows you to become the best version of yourself in all facets of your life and makes you an invaluable asset in any field of work.

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