Business Bytes: Unveiling Corporate Wisdom

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16 Examples of Internal Customers, Including Their Common and Unique Support Needs

Examples of Internal Customers

Photo Attribution: aurielaki/

For any business, understanding the concept of internal customers is most important for keeping all departments working together and operating efficiently.

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Internal Ticketing System: Definition, Top Features, Benefits, and How to Implement

Internal Ticketing System

Internal ticketing systems are an essential part of modern organizational and operational efficiency. IT Service Management (ITSM) teams and help desks often use an internal IT ticketing system to log support tickets. Employees ask for help or for more information, and support team members respond to these with answers or other assistance.

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IT Organizational Charts: 11 Examples for Any Business

IT Organizational Charts

Photo Attribution: Iconic Bestiary/

Nearly every business now relies on technology, and technologies never run absolutely perfectly. Maintenance is always necessary, which can include repairs, upgrades, and security fixes. These requirements and tasks fall under the category of Information Technology (IT). And so, any organization needs to consider IT initiatives when planning their business strategies.

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Top 20 Tools of Communication: Business Success Today, Trends of Tomorrow

Verizon 2020 Data Breach Findings You Need to Know

Photo Attribution: venimo/

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business. Now with teams often dispersed globally, robust communication tools are even more critical. These tools streamline workflows and build a cohesive organizational culture. These in turn help companies better serve their customers.

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What is IT Financial Management (ITFM): Best Practices and Tools

IT Financial Management

Photo Attribution: wan wei/

When it comes to drafting up the yearly budget, IT organizations are always looking to gain efficiencies. This could involve cuts to programs, salaries, or physical equipment. There is always more money to be saved.

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What Does Business Relationship Management (BRM) Mean in ITIL?

IT Business Relationship Management

Photo Attribution: Ico Maker/

In any IT-based service operation, such as IT Service Management (ITSM), especially when they operate on ITIL principles, a Business Relationship Manager (BRM) is the go-between with the rest of the organization.

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What is Demand Management and How Does it Work in IT?

IT Demand Management

Photo Attribution: VectorMine/

As the pace of innovation accelerates, companies must keep up with the latest trends to remain competitive. This, in turn, places a significant burden on the IT department to manage and maintain the technological infrastructure and to identify and implement new technologies. As a result, IT professionals are under mounting pressure to deliver high-quality services in a timely and cost-effective manner, all while ensuring the security and reliability of critical systems.

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Remediation Planning: How a Backout Plan Differs from a Rollback Plan in IT

Backout vs Rollback Plan

Photo Attribution: fatmawati achmad zaenuri/

Change Management is a constant for ITIL and ITSM. Changes are often necessary, whether software or hardware roll-outs or systems upgrades. Regrettably, as every IT professional and team leader knows, mistakes can happen.

Not every change management plan goes smoothly, and when you hit bumps in the road, you need control of the complete end-to-end process. Part of ensuring you have that control is to have contingencies in place for rolling back some of the changes that have been made.

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What Is Shadow IT Policy and Its Worth to Your Organization?

Shadow IT Technology

In most organizations, there's an extensive "shadow IT" network, also known as a shadow IT system.

In every mid-size and large organization, there's usually an extensive interconnected network of approved software solutions and systems. In some cases, these software or hardware solutions are proprietary and have been developed exclusively for that organization.

However, since the turn of the century, there has been rapid proliferation of cloud-based software, hardware, apps, and other systems that organizations are now using. Businesses are often spending anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on software, hardware, and IT vendors and IT Service Management (ITSM) partners.

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How to Use the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle) in IT Service Management

80 20 Rule Pareto Principle

Photo Attribution: momoforsale/

The 80/20 Rule is the principle that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. It's often used in business to help identify how to operate more efficiently. It can be applied to almost every area of business, including IT Service Management (ITSM).

IT service organizations and teams are focused on providing the best possible service to their internal customers. Efficiency has always been integral to ITSM. Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and dashboards, and adherence to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is essential to producing successful outcomes in ITSM.

But how do IT service managers and IT leaders know how and where to focus the team's resources and time?

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